Home Remedies for Open Pores

Home Remedies for Open Pores

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Beauty is an extremely profitable industry with billions of dollars generated every year. However, some common problems such as open pores can be easily treated at home. In this article, Authority Remedies is about to shed light on top 15 natural home remedies for open sores.


Everyone has pores on their skin and it serves as a provider of natural oil to protect the skin from being dehydrated and dry. Nevertheless, when clogged or dilated pores appear, it means that you have a problem known as open pores that may put the condition of your skin in danger. They can trigger many skin problems, such as blackheads or acne[1][2].

It is difficult to find out a single cause for open pores in everybody, but normally, open pores are caused by the sudden changes in hormones, for example, in pregnant women. Besides, stress and the excessive use of chemical products on the skin should be blamed as well. Some people get open pores due to genetics.

What you might already know is that there are many natural fruits and herbs to support us in the attempts to get rid of open pores. Therefore, it is high time you gave up on chemical cosmetics that may even lead to side effects. Instead, you should start the open pore treatment with natural ingredients only.

Below are top 15 natural home remedies for open pores that can be applied easily and immediately at home without special ingredients or equipments to get rid of this problem.

1. Egg White

Egg white is one of the best natural home remedies for open pores you should be well aware of. It is also popular to be used to help you get white skin[3]. Egg whites are super effective in expelling the excess oil on the skin that is the main cause for the appearance of open pores.

Egg White - Home Remedies for Open Pores

  • Take an egg white and have it whisked.
  • Rub it over the skin and leave it dry naturally.
  • After that, you can wash your face with cool water.

Notably, you can mix a bit lemon juice before applying egg whites on the skin to maximize the benefits.

2. Ice

Some people are afraid of using ice on the skin because they claim that the coldness may cause dark skin. Do not worry as we do not recommend you to apply ices directly over the skin. Among natural home remedies for open pores, ice is one of the simplest. It can make large pores on the skin shrink immediately and halt their growth[4].

Ice - Home Remedies for Open Pores

  • Take some ice cubes and keep them in a soft cloth.
  • Place the cloth over the skin in about 20 seconds and repeat doing so several times on a daily basis.

3. Lemon

Containing many natural enzymes and being strongly acidic, lemon is one of the best natural home remedies for open pores. It also helps your skin tighter and whiter at the same time[5][6].

Lemon - Home Remedies for Open Pores

  • A lemon should be squeezed to get the fresh juice.
  • You can mix the juice with an equal amount of water to dilute the strong acidity.
  • With a cotton ball, apply the juice over the face.
  • After 10-15 minutes, wash your skin with cool water.

4. Almond

With skin restorative quality, almond is another great natural home remedy for open pores as it can prevent them from getting bigger and bigger[7]. Almonds are also good for the efforts to eliminate the impurities which may trigger many skin problems, such as Blemishes.

Almond - Home Remedies for Open Pores

  • Have 5-6 almonds crushed and mix it with some drops of fresh lemon juice.
  • They should be grinded.
  • Once you get the paste, rub it over the skin.
  • 20 minutes later, use cold water to wash your skin.

5. Honey

Honey - Home Remedies for Open Pores

Honey must be one of the most famous natural home remedies for not only open pores, but also a series of skin problems[8][9]. It is a favorite remedy to reduce the oiliness for those who have oily skin.

You can apply raw honey immediately over the skin to get rid of open pores. If you want to speed up the treatment, you can supplement some drops of fresh lemon juice in honey first.

You may be interested in How To Lighten Skin NaturallyHow To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Fast and Home Remedies for Fair Skin.

6. Cucumber

The combination of cucumber juice and rose water is believed to be super beneficial in the efforts to get rid of open pores. Besides simple methods such as applying cucumber slices over the skin, you can spend a little time on preparing this amazing home remedy for open pores to maximize the benefits[10].

  • A cucumber should be squeezed to get the juice.
  • Pour some drops of rose water.
  • Use the mixture to rub on your skin.
  • About 15 minutes later, you can wash it with cool water.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

With astringent quality, apple cider vinegar is one of the most effective natural home remedies for open pores. It prevents the pores from being larger. The strong acidity of this vinegar can help balance the pH level of your skin while the imbalance is responsible for open pores. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory qualities of this vinegar should not be forgotten[11].

Apple Cider Vinegar - Home Remedies for Open Pores

  • Combine the vinegar and water in equal amounts.
  • A cotton ball should be dipped in the mixture and placed over the areas affected by open pores.
  • After several minutes, use cool water to wash the skin.

8. Baking Soda

With exfoliating quality, baking soda serves as a great natural home remedy for open pores. It is effective in eliminating excess oil and impurities on your skin[11].

  • Take about 2 spoons of baking soda in warm water.
  • Get the mixture applied over the skin. You can do some massage on these areas.
  • After several minutes, get water to wash the skin.

To get the best results, you are recommended to apply it 2-3 times per day.

9. Oatmeal

When it comes to exfoliating the skin, oatmeal is one of the greatest choices. Therefore, it should appear in the list of top natural home remedies for open pores. Oatmeal is great for soothing the skin and those whose skin is quite sensitive can use it without worrying about side effects[12][13]. Please read Health Benefits of Oatmeal to get more information.

  • Prepare 5 spoons of raw honey, 2 spoons of each milk powder and oatmeal.
  • Combine them together.
  • Rub the paste over the skin.
  • After 15 minutes, it should be scrubbed off and you use cool water to wash your face.

10. Milk

Many people have used milk to improve the condition of your skin for years and it is also beneficial for the open pore treatment. It can easily eradicate impurities on the skin and help you get smooth and white skin within a short period of time.

Milk - Home Remedies for Open Pores

  • Your face should be cleaned with water first.
  • Get a cotton ball dipped in raw milk and rubbed over the skin in 15 minutes.
  • Take cool water to wash the skin.

11. Tomato

Known as a natural astringent, tomato has been popular as one of the best natural home remedies for open pores for ages. It is beneficial in the efforts to make the pores shrink and remove excess oil[14].

  • Get a clean tomato and cut it into thin slices.
  • Place slices over the areas affected by open pores.
  • 10-15 minutes later, get cool water to wash the skin.

12. Yogurt

It is the presence of lactic acid that makes yogurt become one of the best natural home remedies for open pores. It can make your skin tighter and reduce the amount of oil on the skin. Besides, like milk, yogurt can improve the eradication of dead cells and growth of new skin at the same time.

Unsweetened yogurt is preferable to be applied on your skin in several minutes before being washed by cool water.

13. Sandalwood

Sandalwood can be considered as one of the most effective natural home remedies for open pores as it can reduce the excessive amount of oil on your skin.

Sandalwood - Home Remedies for Open Pores

  • Mix equal amounts of sandalwood and powdered turmeric.
  • You can pour several drops of almond oil to get the best results.
  • The mixture should be rubbed on the skin affected by open pores.
  • After 20 minutes, you can use cold water to wash the skin.

14. Aloe Vera

The gel from aloe vera has been well-known to have positive impacts on human skin for centuries. So, why don’t we use it to get rid of open pores – one of the most annoying skin problems? The aloe vera gel is proved to be safe for different types of skin, even the most sensitive one[15][16]. Therefore, you can apply it over the open pores a few times per day.

15. Strawberry

Strawberry - Home Remedies for Open Pores

Strawberry is just one of many fresh fruits that are good for the open pore treatment. Many other fruits, such as orange, grapes or pineapple, are great natural home remedies for open pores as well. They provide a considerable amount of vitamins and nutrients to keep the skin stay hydrated and healthy.

*Disclaim: The effectiveness from applying these natural tips will be depended on the body condition of the applicant.

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