Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease

Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease

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What is Fatty Liver Disease?

It is the term used to describe the accumulation of fat in the liver’s cells. Normally, there is fat in the liver; however, when the level is above 5 – 10%, there will be fatty liver disease.

With the fat accumulated in the liver, you will be more prone to further diseases for liver such as scarring and inflammation [1].

What causes Fatty Liver Disease?

Fatty liver disease is classified into 2 types which are nonalcoholic and alcohol-induced. Certainly, the major cause for alcohol-induced type is consuming excessively alcohol. For nonalcoholic type, there are factors which trigger fatty liver disease such as obesity, high level of blood pressure as well as cholesterol, viral hepatitis, Type 2 diabetes, malnutrition as well as abnormal weight loss [2].

Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease

Normally, people who suffer fatty liver disease will show no sign at first. There might be some mild common symptoms such as fatigue, discomfort, lack of appetite and generally unwell feeling. Therefore, it is necessary to closely keep watch of the body to notice the disease as soon as possible for timely and proper treatment [3].

Fatty liver disease does not have any exact cure. However, it can be reversed with some amazingly simple changes in lifestyle and natural remedies.

Here are the top 15 most effective home remedies for fatty liver disease which are easy for you to apply at home in order to get rid of fatty liver disease and strengthen your liver.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

The first and most recommended tip from the list of home remedies for fatty liver disease is none other than the potent apple cider vinegar. It can effectively eliminate the excessive fat of your liver and stimulate your weight loss. Furthermore, it can improve the functions of your liver and decrease inflammation of liver [4].

Apple Cider Vinegar - Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease

How to use:

  • Take a tablespoon of raw vinegar into some warm water.
  • Add some honey depended on taste.
  • Consume twice per day before meals.
  • Perform for several months.

Apple cider vinegar is extremely versatile in treatment of various diseases and conditions related from internal organs such as liver to even sophisticated body parts like the tendons. For more information about apple cider vinegar, please read: Home Remedies for Oral Thrush.

2. Lemon

The richness of vitamin C which is the topknot antioxidant that can support liver in producing glutathione enzymes is the reason why lemon is placed in the list of home remedies for fatty liver disease. Those enzymes can help neutralize toxins which will assist the detoxification of your liver [4][5][6].

Furthermore, the naringenin compound from lemon can significantly decrease inflammation for your liver.

Lemon Juice - Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease

How to use:

  • Take the juice of ½ a lemon into some water. Consume 2 to 3 times per day for couples of week.
  • Another way is putting 2 to 3 chopped lemons into a water jar and consuming regularly.

Lemon is incredibly popular among various natural remedies due to its wide range of problems it can solve. For more information about the benefits and application of lemon, please read: Home Remedies for Acne Scar.

3. Dandelion

This herb is so powerful that it is consider a liver tonic that can metabolize and detoxify liver from fat accumulation as well as promote the functions of liver. Therefore, it must be included in the list of home remedies for fatty liver disease by all means [7].

Moreover, the extract of dandelion leaf can treat and prevent fatty liver disease of nonalcoholic type related to obesity.

Dandelion - Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease

How to use:

  • Take a teaspoon of dried dandelion into some hot water and steep for about 5 minutes. After straining, add in some honey and consume for 3 times per day in couples of week.
  • Another way is adding fresh dandelion leaves into salads or cooking the leaves as side dish.

Note: Avoid taking the herb in case you are pregnant or suffering from diabetes.

4. Green Tea

The abundance of catechins which can improve functions of liver and infiltration of fat for people who have fatty liver disease of the nonalcoholic type is the major proof for the presentation of green tea in the list of home remedies for fatty liver disease [8].

Green tea can efficiently prevent the buildup of fat at the liver while improve the functions of liver. Furthermore, green tea can even assist you in losing weight and fat.

Green Tea - Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease

How to use:

  • Consume 3 to 4 cups of green tea daily.
  • Another way is taking green tea extract in either capsule or liquid form after consulting the doctor.

One of the recommended tip for treatment of fatty liver disease is losing excessive weight and green tea can help you with that effectively. You can find out more about it at: How To Get Rid Of Leg Fat.

5. Turmeric

The antioxidant of turmeric is mighty enough for it to be placed in the list of most effective home remedies for fatty liver disease. Turmeric will enable your body to digest fats in order to prevent the accumulation as well as support the detoxification of liver [9][10].

Turmeric - Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease

How to use:

  • Take ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder into some boiling water. Consume twice per day for several weeks.
  • Also you can take ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder into some warm milk and consume once every day.
  • Another way is taking turmeric tinctures or supplementary pills after consulting the doctor.

6. Licorice

Licorice is recommended as one of the home remedies for fatty liver disease is due to its ability to control the transaminase activities of enzymes ALT and AST which are the ones that cause fatty liver disease. Furthermore, it can help prevent your liver from damages of toxins and heavy metals [11][12].

How to use:

  • Take ½ teaspoon of licorice root into some hot water and steep for about 10 minutes. After straining, add in some honey consume twice per day.
  • Another way is taking a tablespoon of licorice powder with 2 teaspoons of honey and consume together once every day for couples of week.
  • Also you can take licorice supplementary pills after consulting the doctor for your condition which does not include diabetes, blood pressure problems or corticosteroid medication.

7. Papaya

For the treatment of fatty liver disease, papaya can be significantly helpful with both its flesh and seeds. It can support your rapid fat burning which will help you treat fatty liver disease effectively.

How to use:

  • Take 5 to 6 dried seeds to grind into powder and consume together with a tablespoon of lemon juice twice per day for a month.
  • Consume some slices of papaya with honey once every day.
  • Also add some salad or soup with raw papaya into your daily diet.

8. Indian Gooseberry

Similar to lemon in abundance of vitamin C, it is no surprise to see Indian gooseberry in the list of home remedies for fatty liver disease. The antioxidant property from vitamin C can help maintain the functions of liver at optimal level.

Furthermore, it can detoxify your liver rather well. Therefore, it is recommended for people who are having high cholesterol and blood pressure as well as diabetes.

Indian Gooseberry - Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease

How to use:

  • Consume 3 to 4 raw amla every day and include it in your daily cooking.
  • Another way is taking a teaspoon of amla powder into some warm water and consume twice every day.

9. Dietary Changes

It is a must-do tip from the list of home remedies for fatty liver disease. You need to follow a healthy diet with more vegetables, fruits, healthy fats and whole grains in order to improve the functions of liver as well as get rid of fatty liver disease.

How to do:

  • Keep out of all corn syrup with high fructose.
  • Keep out of white flour and consume more whole-grain products.
  • Consume more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like fish oil, walnuts, flaxseed, tofu and fatty fish.
  • Consume foods which are liver-repairing and detoxifying like kale, broccoli, Brussels sprout and cabbage. Remember to just lightly steam in order to preserve their nutrition.
  • Consume more foods rich in fiber such as guava, blueberries, apple… However, remember to consume moderately to avoid excessive sugar.
  • Keep out of fried and spicy foods as well as fatty meats.

10. Exercises

Equally important as changes in diet, exercise is the tip you must comply in the list of home remedies for fatty liver disease. Practice exercise routine regularly can help you keep your body weight in check as well as prevent obesity. Furthermore, it can boost up the metabolism rate while maintain the proper functions of liver [13].

Exercises - Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease

Practice exercises for about 30 minutes daily. In case you are the beginner, you can start with some low-impact exercises and slowly go to high-impact ones. Also it is recommended that you get your training from some professional trainers.

Aerobics, jogging and brisk walking are significantly beneficial for liver. Bicycling as well as swimming or other recreational activities are helpful as well.

11. Garlic

The allicin from garlic can effectively minimize the fat and cholesterol at your liver. Moreover, it can prevent harmful bacteria which help you avoid disease such as coronary artery as well as maintain the balance of blood sugar and fat in the body. With those positive properties, it is no doubt that garlic should be considered in the list of home remedies for fatty liver disease [14][15].

12. Silkworm Pupae

Besides the ability to alleviate poor feeling and improve harmed spleen, it can efficiently reduce the cholesterol serum and stimulate the operation of liver. With the salty and fairly sweet taste, silkworm pupae can be consumed together with meals or pulverized for consumption.

Silkworm Pupae - Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease

This ingredient is somehow uncommon but extremely effective one from the list of home remedies for fatty liver disease that you should consider using.

13. Corn

The unsaturated fatty acids from corn are capable of enhancing metabolism of fat as well as cholesterol in your body. The sweetness of corn can stimulate urinary which are beneficial for conditions such as hunger loss, broken spleen, adversed urination, low hydro stagnation, dyslipidemia, edema and coronary insufficiency [16][17].

Those are the reason why corn should not be overlooked within the list of home remedies for fatty liver disease.

14. Yogurt

Yogurt - Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease

The bifidus from yogurt is a potent substance which can eliminate harmful bacteria as well as certain tumors and few other impurities that can weaken your liver. You can consume some yogurt in the morning and night to relieve the liver pain. Perform for couples of day more until the pain is gone. Also remember to use natural yogurt instead of those ones that contain artificial sweeteners [18].

15. Buttermilk

The last tip on the list of home remedies for fatty liver disease is buttermilk. It can effectively cool down the body heat as well as cure some ailment related to liver and even alleviate liver pain significantly. Consume some buttermilk thrice per day will be beneficial for your liver. Also you might use cow or goat milk with similar effect [19].

Extra Tips:

  • In case you are having excessive weight, you need to take steps for losing weight but perform gradually instead of rapidly as it might damage your liver.
  • Consume balance diet with more fiber and less saturated fat.
  • Restrain consumption of sugar as well as fried foods.
  • Keep out of alcohol completely.
  • In case you are suffering from diabetes, try to control the level of blood sugar.
  • Take measures to maintain healthy balance of triglycerides and cholesterol.
*Disclaim: The effectiveness from applying these natural tips will be depended on the body condition of the applicant.

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  1. I have found ACV, lemon and tumeric to be my three go-tos. For people who have stomachs sensitive to highly acidic foods I often recommend apple rather than lemon (acidity is lower).

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